Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Man for the Job

"Doc" Ratte showed up at the lock-up. "Hey Ratty. How's it goin'? Seein' any pink elephants lately." Chided the desk sergeant. "The e is silent..." said Ratte matter-of-factly. "Have it your way. They're waiting for you in lock-up." Doc said nothing and moved on.

"Hey, Ratte. Glad you're here." chimed the chief. "We've got a pretty bad one here...with some unusual company..." the chief emphasized unusual..."Joe will brief you up." Ramoos told Ratte about the case and the findings. "That's pretty fucking unbelievable..." just where the hell are these zombies?" "I'll take you to them." When they got to the holding cell, Doc stared for about 5 minutes and said, "Are you fucking kidding? The one guy is blind. You say they're alive?" "Well...technically no, the EMT's couldn't find any signs of life, except they are very animated when you contact them." "They seem pretty subdued right now." "Yeah." "Chief, what should we do with them?" Doc said, "Maybe we should let them go and follow them." "Are you out of your mind?!" the chief stated.

"Do they have id?" "No, none..." trailed off Ramoos. "Did you question them?" "Can't even get near them without a major struggle." "Hey, you assholes want to talk?" They just remained silent. "Can't get anything out of them," said Ramoos. Doc leaned over to Ramoos and whispered something. "What are you talking about?", asked the chief. "We don't have any leads, no id, and several ugly murders - not to mention extortion, resisting arrest. We have to get to the people that sent them. Lets take the one that talks in a vehicle - manacled, if necessary - and see if he can lead us somewhere. Maybe somebody will show up for them."

"Before we do that, let's talk to narcotics and see if they have any matches to their evidence. Let's see if that leads us somewhere. If not, we'll try it the hard way. Oh, and no rough stuff, Doc."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The swab samples did turn up something. Glick presented the results to the chief and Ramoos. "It's basically the same mix of the same trio of drugs and chemicals. Ratios still need to be determined. But, I would say its the same composition found on the hearts." The chief asked, "Anything new on the hearts? Are they still active?" "Yes they are." "Jesus..." "You mean the same compound that's present on the hearts is in or on the zombies?" "Oh, I would say its in them and in their...clothes, for lack of better word. Tattered rags would be more like it." "Yes, we know that..." said the chief "...what's the connection?" "The connection appears to be the unknown toxin...its present in all of the...zombie samples."

The chief asked Ramoos, "What about the stuff Roger turned over?" "The toxin wasn't present in his evidence. Glick was working on that." "Glick responded, "No, it wasn't present in his evidence. But, the drug mix appears to be the same." "Why might that be?", asked the chief. "Well, the toxin appears to be present in very small quantity. So, its probably very potent. It could be a new kind of powerful neurotoxin, possibly fatal in high doses. Its possible that it maintains cellular activity present even though the tissues are inanimate. Based on our observations thus far." "Or not respirating, nor in our friends downstairs..." said Ramoos. "That could be correct. There could be a direct connection - or link - between the toxin and the effect." "Have you tested this?", asked the chief. "Haven't thought of it yet, not until you brought in your prisoners. We'll get to work on it. It may be possible to separate the toxin, but its present in such small quantities it may be near impossible. We might not have enough." "Hmmm..." pondered the chief..."it may not be important...just yet. I'll run it upstairs. But, it is our task to find out where our friends are getting the stuff. You working on this, Joe?" "Hey, I'm just one guy..." joked Ramoos.

"Yeah, I think its time to get you a partner...Ratte just got back from rehab..." mused the chief. "What? That alcoholic cracker?" "Yeah, he might be eccentric. He did volunteer for rehab. But he's effective. He might just be the man for the job." Ramoos just looked at the chief in disbelief.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


After much violent struggle and resistance the two zombies were dragged through the police station in front of several onlookers. Most of them speechless, some remarking "What the Hell?" and other commentary. When placed in the cell, the zombies immediately became passive and sat down on a concrete bench.

The chief came into the lock-up and was fairly astonished at what he saw. "Sonofabitch...What the Hell goes on!? Those two look like they should be in the morgue, let alone a holding cell. Get an EMT team the hell over here!" "Already sent for them, they should be here in a few..." remarked Ramoos. "Is this Roger?" "Yessir." "Son, I thought you were doped-up out of your mind when you gave us that crazy story." Roger just stared in silence and then said "There's more of them." "What the hell do you mean more? How the hell do you know?!?" "The talking one - the one with eyes - said there would be more of them." "Uh-huh, hmmm...." muttered the chief. "Joe, this is....well...shocking. Just look at these two. They look dead. But they're both sitting upright." "Yeah, that's them. Hard to believe it, but there they are..." inflected Ramoos. "That's the proof right there. Not only that, I guarantee you they are immensely strong and powerful, those two. They gave us a hell of a struggle. Took all six of us to get them in there." "Any weapons? Dope?" "Too much resistance. And the one that talks, he doesn't say much." "Get the squad in there and toss them before the techs go in."

After the struggle that came from the search and a decision was made to separate the two to perform the search. The search took four men on each suspect - turning up nothing. "No ID, either. They're not going to make it..." muttered the chief. "I don't think they care." said Ramoos. "Oh good, the medics are here. Hey check these sorry sonsabitches out. OK?" asked the chief.

The techs looked up in shock after checking the first one with a great deal of resistance. "Hey, we got a problem here or two. We can't find a pulse and the blood pressure is almost nonexistent. We're not picking up a heartbeat nor respiration. These guys are fucking dead!" "That's impossible..." exploded the chief "...these guys fight like a couple of wild animals. They're moving. They're not dead!" "That may be..." responded the tech "...they are animate...but there are no other signs of life!" "Jesus...Mary and Joseph..." muttered the chief. "Holy shit..." responded Roger " mean we've dealing with dead people?!" "I still don't believe it..." muttered the chief, looking down. He seemed subdued. "Swab them," he said to Ramoos. "Maybe we'll still find evidence that we need..."

Monday, August 18, 2008


Two days passed. Ramoos's cell rang. "Yeah, Ramoos." "You got company." "Is it them?" "You won't believe this. We think we should follow them in - you go ahead and let them in." "You think it's safe?" "We'll keep you covered, just keep your weapon drawn." "Oh!?" "Yeah, they're almost at the door." "How many?" "Two." "What do they look like?" "They must be the most wasted people we've ever seen...or sick...something's not normal here." "In drugs, there never is." "This is different. Big difference here. You'll see."

There was a rapping on the metal frame of the was vaguely eerie thought Ramoos. "OK, we're letting them in..." Ramoos put down the phone, opened the door and drew his breath. The stench was awful. They looked like they were dead, there clothes were in tatters. One had a grisly slash mark across his throat. They both appeared to male, if gender applies to such things. The one had no eyes. Only sockets. And they were partially closed.

It moaned. The other one growled "Roger", in a very raspy voice. "Who the hell are you? Who do you work for?" The one spoke again, "Roger." "Roger can't come right now. What do you want with him?" "The money." "That's it. He's not paying you anything." Just then the squad appeared from behind. "Jeez! They stink rotten. Phew!" "Yeah well I'm afraid we're going to have to take them with us. Gentleman, we're the police. I'm Detective Ramoos, and you're under arrest. You can come along quietly."

Just then Roger entered the room. "Holy Christ. There here. It's them." "Roger here says you've been making extortion demands and threatened to take him away." "Just then, the one pushed Ramoos - hard - and headed for Roger." "Stop.", ordered Ramoos. The thing just kept heading for Roger. "Roger get the hell out of here. Gentleman (to the squad) take control of these things and get them the hell downtown. It took all five and Ramoos to subdue them, they were extremely strong. "Jesus, they're powerful. I hope the dry cleaners can get the stench out of suit. Take them in guys. Roger! We're going to take you downtown to ID these two. Think you can do that?" Roger called from the other room, "Yeah, I'm coming."

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The phone rang. Roger turned and looked at Ramoos. "Yeah, pick it up, please.", he responded. Roger picked up the phone, "This is Roger." He looked at Ramoos and shook his head. "Yeah, I've been away. Look, about the money. I think that there's been some kind of mistake." Roger shut up after that and just listened and started to tremble. Then he hung up. "What did they say?", asked Ramoos. "They say I have to pay $ 600,000!! If I don't pay in two days, they will be coming for me."

Ramoos called the squad. "Did you get that? Did you make a trace? No? Damn. Did you get the part about two days to go? Yeah, uh-huh. I'm calling the chief." Ramoos looked at Roger and called the chief. "Yeah, our guys made contact with Roger. They say he now owes them $ 600,000 and they'll be coming for him in two days. Yeah, uh-huh. We wait? Okay." Ramoos disconnected and turned and looked at Roger. "I'm going to stay with you until they show up. Do you have $ 600,000?" "Shit, no man. I don't even have $ 600 right now." "Can anybody get it for you?" "What? No. No way." "Looks like we'll be protecting you. If these pricks show up, we can nail them for extortion." "You don't know what you're dealing with..." trailed off Roger and slowly backed away from Ramoos looking down.

Ramoos called the squad. "Yeah, the chief wants to sit on our guy. You ready to make it for two days? Yeah, good. Look, when they show up - if they do - we bust them for extortion and dealing. Yeah, get ready. Be ready to take some evidence. We're taking them downtown."

"Got anything to eat?", asked Ramoos to Roger. "No." "Any place we can call for a delivery? It could be a long two days. You might want to get some food into you." "I've got a number for a Chinese place. They deliver." "Good, what do you want?" "The roast duck is pretty good. You might get some egg rolls, too. Here's the number." Ramoos called them, "Yeah, we need a delivery. We need some roast duck, some mushu pork, rice, fried rice and egg rolls. You got egg drop? Yeah? Send a couple of those, too." "Soda," said Roger. "Oh, and send a couple of sodas, too. Large. Coke? No, OK, Pepsi."

"Excuse me, I have to use the rest room.", said Roger. "Yeah, I guess we did detain you, for a while." Roger came out, "Ummm...I real should call work, if I still have a job." Roger made the call, "Yeah, its Roger...ummm, I had a little police emergency. There with me right now. No, somebody has been harassing me for several days now, and the police want to pick them up. Yeah, one them is with me right now." The supe wants to talk to you...he handed the phone to Ramoos. "This is Detective Ramoos. Yeah, we're fairly concerned for Roger's safety and we're with him right now. No, we need him for a couple of days. He's very shook up by this. You're welcome. Do you need to talk to him again? No. We should be through with him in 2 or 3 days. Uh-huh, thank you." To Roger, "Pretty good at covering up, aren't you? They seem to think you're trustworthy. Do they know about the drugs?" "I haven't, I don't see a need too since I kicked it." "Uh-huh..." said Ramoos, and sat down.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


"OK Roger, we got the green light. We're tapping your phone and we're going to stake out your place." "I don't think I'm ready to go back there." "Roger, we need you in on this. Remember there's some very ugly homicides involved here. Your participation is needed to solve them. So, please, let's take you home. You'll be protected." "Will somebody be there with me-me?", stuttered Roger. "I'll be waiting inside with you." "Can I have a weapon?" "Know how to use one?" "No." "Then that's not a good idea, Roger." "None of this." "Sorry, it can't be helped."

"When does this all happen?" "The phone tap should be on now. I'm just waiting for the call from our squad." Ramoos answered his cell. "What? You're there. Yeah, that was fast. Thanks." To Roger, "OK, Roger, let's go."

The white van was waiting about a block down from Roger's apartment. Turned out that he lived on the first floor. "Got your key?" Roger opened the door for Ramoos and entered. Ramoos kept his weapon holstered, but had his hand on it. "Aw shit.", exclaimed Roger. "Somebody's been in here." The place was a mess. Ramoos called the squad in the van. Then he called the chief. "Yeah, we're in here. But the place has been tossed. Yeah, hold on." Ramoos then drew out his gun and went through the place with Roger, things were lying around everywhere. Including paraphernalia. Ramoos pointed to it, "Roger that doesn't look good. But, they - whoever the hell they are - found it first." Ramoos muttered "Damn." under his breath.

Roger took Ramoos throught the place. It was pretty small. Not much space. Ramoos got on the phone, "Nobody here. Yeah will leave things as they are until we're safe." Ramoos hung up, Roger just looked at him, dumbfounded.

"What do we do now?" "We wait." "Do you think they know that I'm here?" "I'm kind of hoping that." "Great." Roger sat down while Ramoos made another call to his squad.

Friday, August 1, 2008


"OK, here's the warrants for the wiretap and for Roger's place..." said the chief to Ramoos. "You know, we had to leave that crap out about the 'zombies'." The chief looked much calmer, maybe we're making progress, thought Ramoos. "That doesn't go any further than this office," said the chief, looking aside some other files on his desk. "Call me the minute you get somebody." "You got it," said Ramoos.

"Hair test on Roger come back?", Ramoos asked. "Yeah. Its positive. This kid's a loser. Better sit on him tight. Protection or not, the DA might still want to bust him." "DA know about this yet?" "Yeah, he has to - homicide being involved. Again, we just left out the part about the 'zombies.'" The chief looked at Ramoos and winked. "OK," said Ramoos, "do I bust him?" "No, not just yet. We need his full cooperation."

"I'll set up the wiretap and requisition the manpower. Let you know in a hour or two when to take this over," the chief said. (To be continued...)


Executing the search warrant, Ramoos knocked on the door of the place and announced himself. "It's Joe Ramoos again, I've got a search warrant for your place." "You wouldn't know where they are?", Ramoos turned and asked Roger. "No, like I told you, I haven't seen them in months." "You got the key?", Ramoos asked the landlord. He nodded yes. "Go ahead and open it up, please." The landlord stepped up and opened the door. The lights were on throughout the place.

The furniture, possessions, clothes, everything was strewn everywhere throughout the place. "Goddamned mess..." muttered the landlord. "Mm-hmm..." muttered Ramoos as he looked around the place. The landlord turned to Roger, "This is what I get for renting to a bunch of goddamned dopeheads!" "Hey, man, I had nothing to do with this. They were into it before I even knew about it." The landlord turned around, muttering "Goddamnit..." and walked around the place looking..."at least there's no holes in the walls..." he called out.

"Did the place look like this when you were last here?", Ramoos turned and asked Roger. "No everything was neat. Everything was put away. It didn't look anything like this." The landlord wandered back in. "See anybody, anything?", asked Ramoos. "No, nothing. Nobody, nothing of value. Nobody is here." Ramoos began stepping around the debris and looked around. "It looks to me like there was a struggle. Your friends aren't just missing. I think that they've been taken. Shit. Now we can't use this place for a set-up." Ramoos turned to Roger, "Well, we'll just have to use yours." Roger just thought of it and kept quiet. I got to deal with these fuckers again, he thought. "Will I be protected? Look at what they did here. What if they're dead? They'll probably kill me too." "Oh, I don't think so..." said Ramoos, and thought that was a lie.

"Check it for prints.", Ramoos turned to his backup officer. "Oh, and guys, please don't touch anything. This is now a crime scene." He called forensics on his cell. "Yeah, we need you here. Looks like a possible abduction..."

"I'm sorry Roger, but I think we need you. This thing is starting to look real bad. Real bad..." his voice trailing off as he looked around. "Yeah, real bad. Do you think they were being extorted, too?" "I have no idea. Look at this place. Something had to have happened." "Maybe it was a deal gone bad." "Now these "zombies", did you think they might turn violent and do something like this?" "I don't know, my friends seemed real comfortable with them. But, like I said, they just creeped the shit out of me." "Do you know of any relatives of your friends." "No, I can't say that I do." Shit, thought Ramoos.


Back at the interrogation room, Ramoos and Wrablocki (the examiner) walked in and confronted Roger. "Roger, this is Ken Wrablocki, you've already met. This is the post-interview to your polygraph. Um, you should know that this session is being recorded. Do you have anything to say about it?" "No, not really, what do you need to know? Hey, this is getting really old are you going to charge me or let me go?" "Lets just say, for the time being, that you"re under police protection. We understand that you've been getting extortion demands from your former suppliers - you know, blackmail? We'd like to know why they are making these demands. Can you help us?"

"They've been bringing the shit to my place - without my asking for it to be delivered or to make a buy. They say I've made some kind of mistake and that I have to pay for it." "Uh-huh, the mistake being that you took their shit even though it was mistakenly brought to you. Is it possible one of your 'friends' set you up?" "How the hell would I know? I haven't seen those guys in months, much less heard from either of them." "So why did you take the shit?" "Because, they forced it on me. They creeped me out, the zombies, they would just come in and leave it." "Why did you let them in?" "So nobody would see them. Less chance of me getting busted with them. At least, for dope." "How many times did they pull this on you?" "Several, I think." "So, no money exchanged hands?" "Right, they would just leave the dope in front of me and moan and groan. Really creeped the shit out of me." Roger was starting to get agitated again.

"You told Ken they were calling you?" "Yeah, sometimes it sounded like one of them. Lately, its been some guy." Roger was getting more agitated, Ramoos and Ken noticed. "Did you change your number?" "No, I thought this thing might blow over..." "Because?..." "Because I didn't want the shit in the first place. But, no they keep calling and calling. At first, they demanded $ 400 - twice the going rate. Then they raised it $ 500. Then $ 600. Then $ 1000. Then $ 5000." Roger kept raising his voice and getting more and more agitated.
"Then $ 6000. And now its at $ 60,000. I don't know what they're demanding now. I'm not going home without protection." "OK, you'll get it. We just need you to do some things for us," stated Ramoos.

"What kind of things do you want me to do? I don't ever want to go back there - I'm in fear for my life." "All the more reason for you to help us out with our little requests. For one, we need you to take us to this friends place and put him under surveillance. Will you help us with that?" "If I do that then you're going to protect me?" "Oh, we might ask you to go home too. Is your place still owned or under lease by you?" "Yeah." "We may need you to hang out there, too. Give us a chance to do some surveillance. Maybe even tap your phones." Ramoos hesitated, "For your own protection...of course." "Yeah, my own protection..." trailed off Roger as he placed his elbow on knee and jammed his head down into his hand. "Sounds just great..." Roger said sarcastically, "...a real deal with the devil." "Now Roger," cautioned Ramoos, "you're in this because you got involved with these murderous, drug-dealing bastards. You're lucky to still be alive," cautioned Ramoos looking down on Roger sympathetically with his hands in his pockets. "Besides, you might come out of this the hero. You might even save a couple of lives, including your own. You in?" "Yeah, you got yourself a stooge." Ramoos chuckled once, "Never figured it any other way, Roger. No other way out of this one."

Ramoos excused himself and Ken. Outside the room, Ramoos asked Ken "Well?" "Not exactly what I expected, but you're pulling the strings. In my opinion, he's still telling the truth. But, I'm still not buying the zombie part of his story. I still think its bullshit." "I'm not so sure now. Not so sure. We still have the hearts. As far as I'm concerned, they are zombies."